Tips for sleeping on an airplane

Wondering how to sleep on a long-haul or redeye flight? Here are airplane sleeping tips on how to get some shut-eye when you don't have a lay-flat seat. Arrive bright-eyed to explore your new destination!

1. Avoid caffeine 

It's hard enough to sleep in economy as it is. This seems obvious, but when you're crammed in a small seat, caffeine will do you no favors. Try to avoid caffeinated beverages 7 hours before you aim to fall asleep on your flight. 

This goes for your onboard beverage as well! Stay away from the in-flight Coke or coffee and stick to water or ginger ale/sparkling water to stay hydrated.

2. Bring earplugs or headphones

Whether it's due to a noisy seat neighbor or the plane's engine, cabin noise can be disruptive when you're trying to doze off. Pack earplugs or noise cancelling headphones to block out noise. Earplugs are good to have at your destination too in case you end up in a hotel room near the elevator! 

Personally, I love my Airpod Pros for travel since they have noise cancellation but aren't bulky like over-ear headphones. 

3. Dress comfortably

Save the cute outfits for your destination. Plan a comfortable outfit for the plane ride since you'll be wearing the same thing for hours with limited movement. I love Spanx's aptly named AirEssentials set since it's super soft but still looks put together. The quarter zip lets me ventilate in case the cabin gets too hot. Spanx is pricey, but here's an alternative from Amazon that's almost half the price. 

Be sure to dress in layers too, since airplane cabin temperatures can fluctuate greatly! One of my travel bag staples is Lululemon's Vinyasa Scarf which has sadly been discontinued. It was perfect for travel since it could snap together in different ways to become a scarf, shawl, or top. Unsnapped, it was a great airplane blanket. I found a similar design here.

4. Pack melatonin

I try not to take melatonin if I can help it, but I need all the help I can get to sleep on planes. If you still can't fall asleep on a plane, try taking melatonin to help you drift off for a bit. Try it one night at home first to make sure you don't experience adverse effects.

I also use melatonin as a backup plan if I'm having a hard time adjusting to my destination's time zone. I like the Olly Immunity Sleep gummies since it's a 2-in-1, and I love a good defense against getting sick. They're chewable in case you don't have water on hand to take a pill.

5. Choose your seat strategically

If you're on a red-eye flight or know you're going to try to sleep, choose your airplane seat wisely. The window option is a great redeye seat for a couple of reasons: 

  1. No one will wake you up to get out of the row
  2. You can lean against the window wall to sleep
Additionally, avoid seats near galleys and restrooms since there's always more commotion, people, and noise. Seats behind the exit row or in bulkhead are a good choice too since no one will recline into you. 

Extra sleep accessories

Don't forget to pack a neck pillow and eye mask if you need them to sleep. I personally don't since I dislike carrying the neck pillow around. However, I have been eyeing the Turtl neck "pillow" since it wraps around your neck but folds flat.

I don't typically wear an eye mask, but when I do I prefer one with eye cups so my lashes don't get flattened. 

Regardless, you know your body best, so be sure to pack what works for you! 

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